Date: 10 Dec 2021

Category: Organic

How Annam Farms Keeps its Soil Fertile?

How Annam Farms Keeps its Soil Fertile?

The soil cannot stay fertile forever. As we grow crops, the nutrients are used by the plants and the land tends to lose some of its fertility. Therefore, it is essential to follow certain measures to renourish the land after a good harvest. Annam Farms is a dairy farm in Chennai that regularly improves the natural wealth of the soil from time to time. In this blog post, we will share how Annam Farms keeps its soil fertile.

  1. Crop Rotation Our farmers use the traditional method of crop rotation. It is a system where different crops are planted on the same field at different times. Each crop has its own nutrition. So, when that crop is harvested, it leaves some of that nutrition in the soil. Therefore, the land is always full of vital nutrients.
  2. Natural Manure Annam Farms relies on nature manure like cow dung to enrich the soil. Cow dung is very high in phosphorus and nitrogen that is vital for the growth of fresh crops on the land. They tend to develop the overall soil health and also increase the water-holding capacity of the land.
  3. Cover crops Cover crops are very beneficial for the fertility of the soil. Crops such as legumes and peas are some examples of a cover crop. These are grown specifically to develop the organic matter in the land and also provide protection from soil erosion. The major advantage of crop crops is that the roots can go up to six feet deep into the soil. Therefore, this will leave enough nutrients and will benefit the crops that are planted next.

Hence, Annam Farms uses a traditional method of farming that is very safe for the soil. We preserve biodiversity by ensuring the natural way of agriculture. This process has helped us to produce fresh crops at our farm. Apart from Agri products, we also supply organic milk in Chennai through Annam Milk.